Vengeful - Counterfeit Deity

A long time ago
During an age without scripture and minimal language
A difficult transition
From roaming packs to organized tribes

No science to help
Some difficult questions needed their answers
Divided nations
Demanded creation of fearless soldiers

Clerical manipulation
For procreation

Spreading through the masses as the perfect virus
Conquering, altering mind after mind
Meticulously, viciously harnessing the blind
Spirited apes reduced to mindless insects

Mandatory reproduction so that we can conquer the Earth
Showing mercy only to the ones who convert
No room in our history for the unbeliever
Believe in our gods or be destroyed by fire

Forgive me my father
For what you have done
Abuse me my father
In silence I endure
Torture me my father
I have faith in pain
Expiate my sins
By penitence

Experience how venomous one can get
Once you've come to terms with the fact
That your existence is worthless
As the faith they place in the counterfeit deity

Self-consciousness is a double-edged sword
The need to be above all other animals
Illusive Deity
An escape from the anxieties of death
Given the hope of immortality
Deceptive Deity
A remedy to our pain and suffering
The only path to a blessed eternity
Synthetic Deity
A magic pill to confuse the human psyche
The perfect plot to destroy the skeptic mind
Counterfeit Deity

Admire and devote your life to a master
One who pretends to be the life giver
The dominion is built for multiple reasons
Scheming to turn everyone into a minion
Divide, conquer and submit every population
Engineer of mass manipulation
Instrument of mass destruction
Bow before the counterfeit deity

Get down on your knees and bow down to your god
Get down on your knees and suffer for your god
Get down on your knees and bow down to your god
Get down on your knees and suffer for your god

Ask for a proof and your faith will be suspected
Never be like the one who needed to touch the wounds
The analytical might be judged and be rejected
The total devotee is to be received in my kingdom

Your children's mother
Behind the veil
A woman mourns

It never ends
Control by threat
It never ends
The guilt of our sins
It never ends
Lies of the Holy Scriptures
It never ends
Screaming in death's ear

Guiding light of the lost sheep
Why am I abandoned to melancholy

Slaves by our own will to obey the rules
Dictated by the profiteers of our feebleness
Enslaved to be disciples instead of masters
Of the only existence we have to live

Terminate the ones who don't have your faith
Ushers in senseless wars for supremacy
An ocean of blood has flown over the years
To fulfill some prophet's aspirations

Their God, he loathes me
Their God, despises me

Master of Death, forgive me
Taker of Life, spare me
Master of Death, forgive me
For years I have been
Screaming in death's ears for God